What is the longest trip you have ever gone on?

What is the longest trip you have ever gone on?


Helene Fuld College of Nursing Bachelor of Science Program World History Page 1 of 4 ORAL HISTORY – WRITING ASSIGNMENT PRE-INTERVIEW 1. In order to adequately prepare to conduct this oral history assignment, you are required to review your class notes, course hand-outs, and textbook readings related to the history of the 20th century. 2. Choose a friend, relative or acquaintance that was born and/or lived during the 20th century, preferably the early 20th century (1900-1950). Inform the person you are interviewing of the educational purpose of the Oral History interview as part of your requirement to satisfactory complete World History. 3. For preliminary information on how to conduct an Oral History interview, review: Columbia University Library. (n.d.) Columbia Center for Oral History: Oral History Philosophy, Procedures and Evaluation. Retrieved from http://library.columbia.edu/content/dam/libraryweb/locations/ohro/CCOH%20Three-Pager.pdf 3. Obtain, formal written consent from the person you plan to interview. Your interviewee must agree to your interview by signing the following form. If they are unable to write, they may consent verbally. However, their consent must be recorded, along with the date of consent. You may cut and paste the sample Consent Form below onto a separate sheet and obtain the written person of the person you are interviewing. Helene Fuld College of Nursing Bachelor of Science Program World History Page 2 of 4 Oral History Project Consent Form I, [add your name] give my permission to [add your name] to use this interview, or part of it, for educational purposes in a World History course at Helene Fuld College of Nursing. [Add your name] has informed me that they will obtain additional consent if my interview is to be used for any other purpose. Name of Person to be interviewed: