This essay is based on the readings of Druckman, Stoker, Chapter 14 from Remler and Van Ryzin. First, what are we talking about?

Dahlia K. Remler and Gregg G. Van Ryzin. 2015. Research Methods in Practice: Strategies for Description and Causation. Second Edition. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. This essay is based on the readings of Druckman, Stoker, Chapter 14 from Remler and Van Ryzin. First, what are we talking about? What is experimentation? What forms does it take? What characteristics provide the basis of its causal leverage? What types of research questions are conducive to experimental design? Second, as stated in the readings, what advantages does experimentation as a research design provide that other observational design studies do not? (This is the part of the assignment that will require the greatest discussion; there are several components here.) Third, what are the limitations of this design approach? Finally, what is the case for experimentation? Why do you think it has become so prevalent?