Do diseases only impact an individual or can they impact a community or population?

Human Ecology Diet and Disease Forum Response
Paper details
Cartoon description: Man ordering at a restaurant: Ill have the monster triple burger with cheese and giant friesoh..and a diet cola. Ive got to watch my weight!
PART 1: Look at the above cartoon. What is this saying about how we eat? Id like you to discuss the typical diet of people in the U.S. or another MDC compared to a less developed country (LDC) you choose (for example U.S. compared to Haiti). How does diet differ among regions (i.e. urban-to-rural south-north-east-west poor-to-wealthy communities etc)? Why does it differ? Are there S.P.E.E.C.H.( Social Implications Political Implications Economic Implications Environmental Implications Cultural ImplicationsHistorical Implications) reasons? Use material such as text web research life experience and other information to back your position.
PART 2: Do diseases only impact an individual or can they impact a community or population? Give details about the Ebola disease outbreak in your area(California) past or present real or potential. How can local policies or local public health systems reduce risk to their community? Use material such as text/web research life experience and other information to back your position.