Compare and Contrast agile and non-agile approaches to developing software

Compare and Contrast agile and non-agile approaches to developing software
This assessment is about writing a research paper to compare and contrast agile and non-agile approaches to developing software. You are asked to pick a single agile technique (Scrum, Extreme Programming, Lean Development or Dynamic Systems Development Method) and compare and contrast this technique against any 5 of the other non-agile techniques (Waterfall Model, Incremental Process Model, Code and Fix, Evolutionary Process Model, Formal Systems, Reuse-Based Development, V-Model, Rapid Application Development, Unified Process) that you have come across in the lectures. You should have the following structure to your research paper: 1. Introduction stating which agile technique you have chosen and which 5 nonagile techniques you will compare and contrast the agile technique with 2. Description of your agile technique supported by references in your description you must explain how your chosen agile technique demonstrates each of the 4 agile manifesto values 3. Description of your each of your 5 non-agile techniques supported by references 4. Compare and contrast each of your 5 non-agile techniques against the agile technique. This should also be supported by references 5. Summary and Conclusions Your research paper should be approximately 2500 words and use the Harvard referencing style.