After reviewing the Keys to Nonprofit Employee Retention strategies, identify two areas that are important for a human services nonprofit agency in order to maximize employee retention.

After reviewing the Keys to Nonprofit Employee Retention strategies, identify two areas that are important for a human services nonprofit agency in order to maximize employee retention. Explain why those areas are important, and provide examples supported by research. To access the Keys to Nonprofit Employee Retention strategies link…go to…then click on student login on top right hand corner of the page…then use Username:…Password: Ac03311976….then click on brightspace on right hand side of the page…then scroll down and click on HSE320: Human Services Org Systems…then scroll down and click on Module Three…then scroll down and click on 3-1 discussion: Nonprofit Employee Retention and you will be able to access the link to Keys to Nonprofit Employee Retention strategies to help you complete this discussion assignment.