Write about where you have used or potentially could use one of the topics for the current week in your future career (nursing) or daily lives.

1. Describe the learning challenges that you experienced this week. This might include any subject areas that took you awhile to learn. Also include in the amount of time spent on the material. This information is critical for the instructor to understand your struggles and adapt the course for future students.

2. Write about where you have used or potentially could use one of the topics for the current week in your future career (nursing) or daily lives.
3. Pick one topic out of the material this week and describe in a step by step approach how to solve a particular type of problem (such as finding the sample standard deviation). It should be different than the step by step approach that I have in my videos. This should be in your “own words” and not copied from a website. This would constitute plagiarism and results in a zero on the reflection quiz and possibly a zero for the course. I will grade your submission as if I have never seen that topic so be thorough in your explanation. I should be able to follow your steps. Include one example along with the instructions.
weeks topic: