Write a one-page critique of this article. Include the following information in your essay:

Username- Molguin

PW- Tankypants3!

Courses- Vitamins then Course Modules– then Energy Metabolism folder– then under Table of Contents- “Niacin” the article is located under there

Read the article below

https://twu.blackboard.com/bbcswebdav/pid-4755772-dt-content-rid-118135597_1/courses/17FANFS590350/Aim_High_2011_Niacin_statin_CVD.pdfAim High 2011 Niacin and CVD

Write a one-page critique of this article. Include the following information in your essay:

PICOS characteristics (Participants/Population, Intervention, comparison/control, primary, secondary, and tertiary outcome measures, and the type of study design).


Strengths and weaknesses/limitations

Implications of this study