What were some of the important rights Roman society sought to protect by passing these laws?

The subject matter is the Twelve Tables, Rome’s first set of laws written on 12 tablets. You can read the Twelve Tables text here: https://avalon.law.yale.edu/ancient/twelve_tables.asp Please make sure that the Twelve tables link above is one of the MLA sources. This work takes place in ancient Rome. It is one of the first legal documents in Western history and establishes a code of laws that would shape future societies, both in the Mediterranean region and elsewhere. Some questions you may wish to explore include: 1. What were some of the important rights Roman society sought to protect by passing these laws? 2. Why did Roman law outlaw marriage between one class (patrician) and another (plebeian)? What does it tell us about social hierarchy in Rome? 3. How did Roman law treat women in comparison to men? What did this difference mean for Roman society? What was the impact of this disparity? 4. In what ways did these laws protect the Roman idea of patriarchy or the rule of the oldest male within a family? Please write a paper with your honest reaction to the twelve tables that incorporates answers to AT LEAST 2 of the above questions in 2 pages. Also, see the attached assignment PDF’s to get a better idea of what is expected by my professor.