What is your best estimate of the fastest instantaneous velocity achieves by Usain Bolt during the 100m and where in the sprint did it occur?

Part II: Usain Bolts 100m sprint analysis Please download LAB5.xls. and solve the follwing question after watching the vedio & the data in the excel sheet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-urnlaJpOA 1)What can be concluded from the Graphs? 2) What was Usain bolts average velocity for the entire 100m race (m.s-1)? 3) What is your best estimate of the fastest instantaneous velocity achieves by Usain Bolt during the 100m and where in the sprint did it occur? 4) Which 10-m interval in the sprint did the maximum positive acceleration (towards the finish line) occur for Usain Bolt? What was this value? 5) Which 10-m interval in the sprint did the maximum negative acceleration (away from the finish line) occur for Usain Bolt? What was this value?