What does the guideline address? Clinical questions, issues, subissues. Nonpharmaceutic treatments of depression in adults, including psycholog-ical therapies, self-help, exercise and lifestyle changes, meditation, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements,

(LA #1): Go to your Course Content page and read the qualitative research study by Mckillop, Crisp, and Walsh (2012) Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand-Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis. Then appraise and critique the article following the components of Synopsis (textbook pages 399-400). For this Learning Activity, you will only do Synopsis. This is a 2-3 page paper, 500 words. No title page, abstract or reference page are needed.

Title your page with the following heading (if you had to do a reference page in APA format, this is how your reference on the reference page would look; page 401 of your textbook provides you with another example. Please note APA style regarding how initials and authors last names are placed, where periods are placed, where commas are placed, how journal name and volume are italicized, how the issue number is not italicized but instead is placed in parentheses, and the listing of the doi number ):

Citation: McKillop, A., Crisp, J., & Walsh, K. (2012). Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand-Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 9 (3), 159-171. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6787.2011.00233.x.

Use the following subheadings from Synopsis, pages 401-402, and write a critique of the study, using your own words, and answering the following items in your paper.:

1. What was the purpose of the study?
Address the research questions, and/or study purposes; these will be used in a qualitative study, but unlike a descriptive non-experimental quantitative study or a quasi-experimental quantitative study, there usually will not be a hypothesis in a qualitative research study

2. Who participated or contributed data?
Address items such as target population, how sample was obtained, inclusion criteria, demographics or clinical profile, dropout rate; provide as much information as you can find in the article as to who were the sample participants and what was the final sample size

3. What methods were used to collect data?
Address items such as sequence of events, timing of data collection, types of data assessed, types of data measures that were collected

4. What were the main findings?
Report and address the main findings of the study

Conclusion: End your paper by comparing the study findings to your own clinical practice experience in relation to implementation of evidence-based practice guidelines. In your own experience, do you find the results from New Zealand nurses to be similar to what happens in your own USA-based clinical practice setting?

Barriers and Enablers to Implementation of a New Zealand-Wide Guideline for Assessment and Management of Cardiovascular Risk in Primary Health Care: A Template Analysis. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 9 (3), 159-171. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-6787.2011.00233.x. This is the link for the article

This is the appendix from the book, instructions from above say to refer to pages 399-402

Completed Appraisal: Recommendations of a Clinical Practice Guideline Citation: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. (2010). Non-pharmaceutical management of depression in adults: A national guideline . Retrieved from http://www.sign.ac.uk/pdf/sign114.pdf The appraisal considers only exercise and lifestyle modificationnot psy-chological therapies, self-help, herbal and nutritional remedies, or alterna-tive therapies. Synopsis What does the guideline address? Clinical questions, issues, subissues. Nonpharmaceutic treatments of depression in adults, including psycholog-ical therapies, self-help, exercise and lifestyle changes, meditation, herbal remedies and nutritional supplements, and complementary and alternative therapies as alternatives to/instead of prescription medications. What population of patients is the guideline intended to address? Adults with mild to moderate depression. Did the panel use existing SRs or did they conduct their own? They conducted some SRs and meta-analyses using SIGN methodology and used existing SRs and meta-analyses that met quality standards. 399 APPENDIX