Answer the following questions, 7-10 sentences each. 1. Many patients who receive Medicare, Medicaid, or are under government care (such as in prisons) are treated with the older typical antipsychotics. Why is this, and what does it say about who is in charge of prescribing? 2. Off-label prescribing is a widespread practice in which a physician prescribes a drug (or a medical device) for a purpose different from the one for which the drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This practice allows for greater flexibility in the use of medications, but may also have some associated problems. What are some of the off label uses of the typical antipsychotic medications? Discuss some of the potential benefits and difficulties associated with this practice. Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.