The t-Test: Comparing Means From Two Sets of Data

The t-Test: Comparing Means From Two Sets of Data
All the items listed below will not be in all case studies, however, a good portion of them will be in most. Also, I will be using an itemized rubric to be able to provide more precise feedback versus the rubric thats on Blackboard. – Please write all responses about a data set, statistical analysis, or findings from an analysis in past tense. – For skewness and kurtosis, +/-1.69 is a standard value used for these two calculations – The alpha level for this course is 0.05. – For a result to be statistically significant the ‘p-value’ must be 0.05 or below – If a result is ‘.000’ then it should be written as ‘p<0.001.’ – For the Assumption of Normality to be met, then the ‘Sig.’ value under the ‘Shapiro-Wilk’ column must be greater than 0.05. – For Levene’s Test to be met, the ‘Sig’ value must be greater than 0.05. – Means and standard deviations should be written as ‘means+ SD (e.g. 150+ 5.5). – The write-up must be written in past tense and in paragraph format. This means taking all the questions in the write-up and forming a single written paragraph for your responses. Hide