select a developmental stage in which you plan to work with, and conduct a case study, interview a member of the selected career field

in nursing, select a developmental stage in which you plan to work with, and conduct a case study, interview a member of the selected career field (EX. Pediatric nurse, discuss the impact of various health/psychological issues associated with the age group, or volunteer at a location related to your field of interest (provided it is a helping field… nursing, counseling, occupational/physical therapy) to learn more about issues that you will face in the career choice. I am open to other options for this assignment as the list I have provided is not exhaustive.

The introduction and discussion content of the paper must be (3-5 pages) in length, address the topic in detail, and provide facts about the topic.

2. The paper must include an assignment reflection (1 page) identifying information learned from the research experience. Discuss new information that you have learned regarding the selected topic and your opinion of the value of the information.

3. The paper must include a minimum of 2 external resources (journal articles from the library database, factual information from web reputable web pages (,, etc.), or case studies covering the selected topic.

4. Use TNR 12 pt. font and double space all content. The experience paper will be graded on content, grammar, organization, and minimum content requirements.