Select a current issue in health care and/or service provision (can be global or specific to Australia). Some examples may include: Equity

Exploring Current Issues in Health Care and Health Services Provision
In this assessment you are required to work collaboratively in PAIRS incorporating effective team building skills communication skills and self-management skills to deliver research based knowledge in a poster and abstract format. Students will explore current issues in health care and health service provision around the world. There is NO PRESENTATION component to this assessment task. NO hard copy poster is to be submitted.
Task Description & Practical Application
Organise yourselves to work in pairs (within your tutorial group). Please note that this is an assessable part of the task and you will be marked accordingly. This is aligned with the graduate outcomes of the Bachelor of Nursing.
Your assessment task includes developing an abstract and poster (with an associated reference list) that will address the following:
1. Select a current issue in health care and/or service provision (can be global or specific to Australia). Some examples may include:
Workplace cultures.
2. current issue is hand hygiene and individual factor in poor hand hygiene.
3. Give a brief description of what the issue is supported by literature including research data. Present a critical argument about the issue based on the literature. Your argument should focus on addressing the following questions:
Why has this health issue arisen? (supported by the literature)
What factors are causing it for example political fiscal social cultural environmental government policy etc? (supported by the literature)
What can be done or what needs to be done to improve and/or prevent this health issue/ service provision? (supported by the literature)
What implications and recommendations can be made based on supporting literature and research data? (supported by the literature)
4. A 300-350 word abstract must be submitted with your presentation. The abstract does not need to be referenced (the poster does).
5. When you are ready to submit your work save the poster abstract reference list as one file as a pdf.
6. One of your pair is to upload the assessment in .pdf format to Turnitin on the L@G site.
You will work in your pairs. It is your responsibility to create your pair. In your pair identify who will be submitting the poster on behalf of you both. You need to submit a brief outline of who did what in the pair and how this was negotiated/managed (dot points are fine). There are 5 marks allocated for this evidence of collegiality.
Your poster will be a visual illustration of the current health issue you have chosen incorporating all the points listed above. In your pairs using graphics photographs diagrams graphs and text you will critically analyse and illustrate your chosen health issue.
There is no word limit but the poster must only fit on an A3 page
APA 6th referencing is to be used
Inclusion of your full reference list (15 or more references would be appropriate) is required but this will be submitted with the abstract (No reference list on the poster to save space)
Make sure you include your names and student IDs on the poster
Font is to legible and easily read
Be creative
Use a standard 12 point Arial font. Use 1.5 spacing in the text. New line to begin new paragraph
The entire abstract must be 300 350 words excluding the title and student names (You must strictly adhere to the word count). The abstract DOES NOT require any in text referencing
The heading must include the title of the poster presentation and your names and student IDs
Subheadings are allowed: e.g. Aim/purpose; background/significance; summary of the main arguments; implications and recommendations; conclusion
The abstract should:
state the purpose of the poster presentation
provide a clear and brief summary of the main arguments
identify the implications and recommendations for nurses
have a conclusion