Sate general information about the gene, such as classification, exon/intron, tissue distributions, and physiological function, etc

it is related to the order 81354352 The assignment 3 is about the gene related to your assigned disease(Variegate porphyria)
. You only need to work on one of your assigned diseases. The title should be “Genetic Information of Xxxxx Gene in Name of Disease”. Please write a summary (2-3 paragraphs, 400 words or less, one page). It should contain all following information:
1) What gene(s) is defect in the disease (if multiple genes, you can give 1-2 sentence summary and focus on one)
2) Give a reason why you want to focus on this specific gene
3) Sate general information about the gene, such as classification, exon/intron, tissue distributions, and physiological function, etc
4) Provide research evidences for the importance of the gene related to the disease, such as in vitro or in vivo, animal or clinical studies.
5) References requirement is same as assignment 2
On the 2nd page, please copy/past the ORF of the gene (if it is too long, cut the middle part and use symbol “//” to make it fit in 2/3 of the page. You also need the following information on this page:
1) Full name and accession number for the gene
2) Species of the gene
3) the size of the cDNA and size of the ORF
4) predicted protein size
On the 3rd page and after, attach your DNA sequence source similar to the example I posted.
Other requirement will be same to Assignment 2

the third page is not research just put the the DNA sequence source
i will post the example which the professor posted

The assignment 3 is about the gene related to your assigned disease. You only need to work on one of your assigned diseases. The title should be “Genetic Information of Xxxxx Gene in Name of Disease”. Please write a summary (2-3 paragraphs, 400 words or less, one page). It should contain all following information:

What gene(s) is defect in the disease (if multiple genes, you can give 1-2 sentence summary and focus on one)
Give a reason why you want to focus on this specific gene
Sate general information about the gene, such as classification, exon/intron, tissue distributions, and physiological function, etc
Provide research evidences for the importance of the gene related to the disease, such as in vitro or in vivo, animal or clinical studies.
References requirement is same as assignment 2
On the 2nd page, please copy/past the ORF of the gene (if it is too long, cut the middle part and use symbol “//” to make it fit in 2/3 of the page. You also need the following information on this page:

Full name and accession number for the gene
Species of the gene
the size of the cDNA and size of the ORF
predicted protein size
On the 3rd page and after, attach your DNA sequence source similar to the example I posted.

Other requirement will be same to Assignment 2 with following changes

Save your file as “your name-Assig3” in word format.
Submit to “Assignment 3” on Blackboard by Feb. 21st.
No hard copy or e-mail submission is allowed. All submission is final and no re-submission is allowed even before the deadline.