Role for nurses in chronic disease management will be of particular interest throughout this assessment.

Role for nurses in chronic disease management will be of particular interest throughout this assessment.

INC – THE PERSON WITH A CHRONIC MENTAL ILLNESS – this site is showing you how to do concept map

that is need to be in the slide. add a footnote in this slide stating – concept map of chronic mental

illness and discuss how their concept of chronic and complex illness has been
Integrated Nursing Concepts

Case Study:
This case study involves an exploration of the impact and associated challenges of chronic illnesson a

particular patient and their family in the Australian context. An evaluation of the provision and

adequacy of care, the efficacy of management and support, and importantly the emerging role for nurses

in chronic disease management will be of particular interest throughout this assessment.

Objective(s): Learning Objective: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9
Graduate Ability: 1.1, 1.2, 5.5, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1, 4.2
ANMC Competency: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Weight: 50% (Case study presentation 30%: Student conclusion 20%)
Due: Case presentation: In class in Sessions 7 and 8
Student conclusion: 9th November 2015
Time allowance: Case Study: 30 minutes

This assessment task will assist students to understand theories and concepts related to the prevention

and non-acute management of chronic and complex illness and the role of nursing in this increasingly

important arena of care.

In small groups students will prepare a presentation based on an identifiable chronic and complex

illness group from the list below in an attempt to capture the lived experience of a person and their

family who are on a particular illness journey. Where a specific disease is not mentioned students may

choose a disease commonly experienced by this group as their focal point. The case study chosen must be

authentic, that is, it must be based on a real but unidentified person known to a student in the group