NTC 328 Assignment Week 4 : Deploying and Managing Certificate Authorities

NTC 328 Assignment Week 4 : Deploying and Managing Certificate Authorities

CAs are used to manage the issuing and revocation of certificates.

Your organization has thousands of users in many locations. CAs must be deployed throughout the organization to enable the deployment of digital certificates. The IT manager in your organization has asked you to create a training presentation on deploying and managing CAs. Address the following concepts in your training presentation:

  • Identify and describe 3 to 5 strategies for deploying the CAs throughout your organization.
  • Demonstrate, through screenshots, how to take the root CA offline. Discuss what must be considered before taking the root CA offline.
  • Discuss why it is necessary to publish the standalone root CA certificate. Demonstrate, through screenshots, how to publish the standalone root CA certificate.
  • Identify and describe the permissions that a user has to have on a certificate template to be able to use auto-enrollment. Make sure to include the auto-enrollment permission.
  • Show, through screenshots, how to modify a certificate’s purpose.

Use the Practice Labs Windows Sever® 2016 lab environment to create the required demonstration slides for this assignment.

Take screenshots of each task and include them in your PowerPoint® presentation.

Your PowerPoint® presentation should be multimedia-rich and include 18 to 20 slides, with detailed speaker notes for each slide.

Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab.