NTC 300 Assignment Week 2 Class Discussion Questions

NTC/300 WEEK 2 Class Discussion Questions




Discussion Question: Types of Cloud Security Solutions

You work for an IT department that has weekly IT roundtables. This week the topic is cloud security and you will lead

one of the conversations.

Select one of the following types of security that can be included in the cloud:

    • Layering

    • Least privilege

    • Separation of duty

Research whether the security type you identified is frequently used by businesses and why or why not.

Post your responses to the following prompts to the discussion area:


   • Provide a short summary about what you found to be the usage of the security type


in business.

    • Describe the circumstances in which the security type would be appropriate.

    • Describe the circumstances that would indicate the security type would not be



    • What are some high-level steps to implement the security type?

Respond to at least one of your peers. In your response, consider sharing additional information or insights about how technologies may affect the use of security solution. Alternatively, consider sharing an experience or something you read to further the solution described.




Discussion Question: Mandatory and Discretionary Access Control Lists

Explain the difference between mandatory and discretionary access control lists.

Post your explanation to the discussion area.

Respond to at least one of your peers. In your response, consider sharing ideas about when to implement these types of access control lists or why these types of lists are used during an implementation of cloud technology. As appropriate, include pros or cons of each type.



Discussion Question: Security Automation

You are part of a team initiating a new cloud environment. Your team is presenting an overview of the security plans.

You are to give an overview of single sign-on.

Define single sign-on.

Provide an example that explains how single sign-on is used and its benefits.

Research an article describing an implementation of single sign-on that demonstrates the benefit of the example you identified.

Cite your article according to APA guidelines.

Post your answer to the discussion area.

Respond to at least one of your peers. In your response, consider offering your opinion regarding the potential security risk the automation of access through single sign-on provides and alternative automation ideas.