Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years.Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years. Mr. J lives at home with his extended family.

Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years.Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years. Mr. J lives at home with his extended family.

Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years.Mr. J is a 20 year-old college student with a history of diabetes mellitus type I for the past 6 years. Mr. J lives at home with his extended family. Mr. J’s father and grandmother have a history of diabetes mellitus type I. Mr. J is the only other member of the family diagnosed with DM type I. Mr. J is a respiratory therapist major at a community college and is a member of the basketball team. Mr. J collapsed at basketball practice and was transported to the ED. Mr. J is 6? 3 and weighs 220 pounds. His family is notified by college authorities and arrive at the ED. On arrival to the ED, Mr. J is responsive to verbal and tactile stimuli. he is very diaphoretic, mildly lethargic, and is complaining of abdominal pain and nausea. He hyperventilates manifesting acetone breathe. Stat serum glucose, arteriole blood gases (ABGs), and serum electrolytes for sodium and potassium reveal: Blood glucose: 450 mg/dl pH: 6.9 pCO2: 20 mm Hg HCO3: 12 mEq/L Sodium: 128 mEq/L Potassium: 3.0 mEq/L His vital signs on admission: BP: 100/70; P 88; R 22; T 98.1F What is Mr J’s likely diagnosis?