How do the authors in the two articles theoretically frame their primary research?

TASK 1 please critique one of the following articles following the guidance for critical analysis discussed in class and uploaded to Moodle. You have up to 500 words for your answer. Article 1 Derecskei, A. (2016). How do leadership styles influence the creativity of employees?, So- ciety and Economy 38(1), pp. 103118 Article 2 Sy, T., Horton, C. And Riggio, R. (2018). Charismatic leadership: eliciting and channelling follower emotions. The Leadership Quarterly 29(1), pp. 58-69. Task 2 Choose one of the following questions referring to article 1 and 2 and answer it with up to 450 words. (1) Compare and contrast the theoretical lenses taken in these two articles. Focus in your answer on how they look at leaders and followers – where appropriate – are they seen as human beings? What is the role of context for leadership? OR (2) Compare and contrast – How do the authors in the two articles theoretically frame their primary research? What assumptions do they make, what limitations do they say their primary research has?