Help with Microsoft Access problem 2


For the Week 3 Microsoft Access Module 2 Lab Assignment, you create queries using a starter database. Use skills/techniques/concepts learned in the Microsoft Access Module 2. HINT: The finished Lab Assignment should include: 2 tables, 12 queries, 2 forms, and 2 reports.

Problem: The manager of the Milledgeville, Georgia, science museum gift shop has come up with a variety of questions he wants to answer using the database. You are to find the answers to these questions.

Perform the following tasks:

  1. Open the following starter database (), save the database as LastnameFirstnameAccessLab2.accdb.
  2. Create a query for the Item table that includes all fields and all records in the Item table. Save the query as Step 1 Query.
  3. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number, Description, Wholesale Cost, and Vendor Code fields for all records where the vendor code is BW. Save the query as Step 2 Query.
  4. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number and Description fields for all items where the description starts with G. Save the query as Step 3 Query.
  5. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number and Description for all items with a Wholesale Cost greater than $15.00. Save the query as Step 4 Query.
  6. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number, Description, and Wholesale Cost fields for all items with a Wholesale Cost between $5.00 and $10.00. Save the query as Step 5 Query.
  7. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number, Description, On Hand, and Wholesale Cost fields for all items where the number on hand is less than 5 and the wholesale cost is less than $15.00. Save the query as Step 6 Query.
  8. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number, Description, Wholesale Cost, and Vendor Code for all items that have a Wholesale Cost greater than $20.00 or a Vendor Code of FD. Save the query as Step 7 Query.
  9. Create a query that joins the Vendor and the Item tables. Include the Vendor Code and Vendor Name from the Vendor table and the Item Number, Description, Wholesale Cost, and Retail Price fields from the Item table. Sort the query in ascending order by Description within Vendor Code. Save the query as Vendor-Item Query.
  10. Create a form for the Vendor-Item Query. Save the form as Vendor-Item Form.
  11. Create a report that uses the Vendor-Item Query but does not use all the fields in the query.  Include Vendor Name, Description, Wholesale, and Retail.  Save the report as Vendor-Item Report.
  12. Create a query for the Item table that includes the Item Number, Description, Wholesale Cost, and Retail Price. Calculate the difference between Retail Price and Wholesale Cost (Retail Price Wholesale Cost). Assign the alias Mark Up to the calculated field. Save the query as Step 11 Query.
  13. Create a query for the Item table that displays the average Wholesale Cost and the average Retail Price of all items. Save the query as Step 12 Query.
  14. Create a query for the Item table that displays the Item Number, Description, On Hand, and Retail Price for the 5 items with the lowest retail price. Save the query as Step 13 Query.
  15. Update the author (use your name) and title (use ‘Week 3 Microsoft Access Module 2 Lab Assignment’) in the document properties.

Upload your assignment as a Microsoft Access database using the following naming protocol: LastnameFirstnameAccessLab2.accdb