Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotio

 1 DQ 1

     Community and public health nurses consider the effect of ethnicity, culture, spiritual values, and geographic and socioeconomic conditions on the wellness of the population. Diverse populations have various health disparities and health inequities that affect their ability to maintain health and meet health care needs, according to Green (2018).

     One of the essential roles of a community health nurse is to educate and provide best care practices that promote optimal health. They educate the client tailoring to their needs, as the needs of the population have changed.  Being a community health nurse is not just tending to the homebound geriatric population. Nurses also visit group homes to provide monthly antipsychotic medications to clients and manage their medications, for example. They are needed to manage cases of patients when it is not easily accessible to travel to hospitals or physician offices.

     There are a variety of examples of care they provide are providing hospice care, wound care, assessing the needs of the homeless or addicted population, or a school nurse. Nurse guide and coordinate essential services needed such as social workers, and counselling services.
Community nurses can help promote local resources available to the patient that are not aware such programs are available, such as community youth programs. In order to plan interventions or treatment nurses must be aware of services offered by the community.

     An example may be a mental health nurse assisting a patient that has been affected by a death of a family member. Educating the patient on the stages of grief is vital and providing local resources to attend counselling or grief groups will help that patient gain a sense of understanding through members of their community to help them process a great loss with other people that are going through the same thing.  A Pastor can help counsel a patient to understand the spiritual reasons of death and help them turn to their church leaders for strength and guidance. 

Respond to the above post discussion using 200-300 words with references supporting discussion 

 Explain the role of the community health nurse in partnership with community stakeholders for population health promotion. Explain why it is important to appraise community resources (nonprofit, spiritual/religious, etc.) as part of a community assessment and why these resources are important in population health promotion.