Explain how your experience of caring fits into or reflects the professional literature on nursing practice and the discipline of Nursing.

Explain how your experience of caring fits into or reflects the professional literature on nursing practice and the discipline of Nursing.

“Caring” in an area of nursing

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you can question and analyze the quality of the evidence in the literature about caring in a nursing topic.

Students will work on research, description and analysis activities using nursing literature/articles both individually and in small groups of 4-5 students. Small group work will include completion of in-class worksheets, small group discussion, and peer review of evolving student writing.

Each student will be producing an individual paper on “Caring” in an area of nursing of your choice. You are expected to incorporate selected references that you find in your own library searching, which will start during the in-class library workshops. Below is the outline of your paper.

Part 1: Introduction and Literature Review 10 points
Describe caring as you have experienced it in your practice. Use a clinical example to “grab” the reader’s interest. You may describe caring as you have experienced it or how you have seen it expressed in your practice or the practice of a colleague. An example helps the reader understand your position, and also will anchor your reference choices.

Explain how your experience of caring fits into or reflects the professional literature on nursing practice and the discipline of Nursing. This section should include references that help you justify why caring is of concern to the discipline of nursing (as per ANA, AACN, Nightingale, NLN, Swanson article). Be sure to include proper citations for the sources you use. (Begin your reference page and turn it in with this section)
Literature review