Internal Code: MAS 3670 Health Care Assignment Help Questions: Evaluating Health Promotion Action for the 21 st century. Questions 2 : WHO has requested that you evaluate the efficacy of health promotion interventions for your area of expertise to determine if they meet the challenges for health in the 21 st century. In order to do this you need to: Work with a partner to prepare a 10 minute oral presentation assessing the extent to which each of the two health promotion interventions meet the challenges for health in the 21 st century. You will do this by utilising the frameworks and approaches outlined in sections 2 and 3.i. – 3.v. below. Individually prepare a detailed written report on your findings. Questions 3: Using the frameworks and approaches outlined in i. to v. below, assess the efficacy of your health promotion intervention as inclusive of complex systems thinking, evidencing socio- ecological approaches and addressing social and health equity: i. Establish the extent to which the intervention is health promoting by mapping the intervention against a Health Promotion framework (such as Ottawa Charter, Integrated Health Promotion, HP spectrum etc.). For example does the intervention address actions on health across the health promotion spectrum / five key action areas? ii. Identify where the health promotion intervention fits into the 3 principal areas of action as identified by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health (CSDH WHO 2008, p. 43). These are: 1. Improve the conditions of daily life – the circumstances in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. 2. Tackle the inequitable distribution of power, money, and resources – the structural drivers of those conditions of daily life – globally, nationally, and locally. 3. Measure the problem, evaluate action, expand the knowledge base, develop a workforce that is trained in the social determinants of health, and raise public awareness about the social determinants of health. (WHO 2008, p. 2) iii. Compare the health intervention for congruency with TWO of the 5 key determinants of health for the 21 st Century as outlined by Kickbusch (2012). These are: political,commercial, social, environmental and behavioural determinants of health. iv. Evaluate if a systems approach or complex thinking lens has informed the health promotion intervention (for example: Allender et al. (2015), Bloch et al. (2014) and Fisher et al. (2016). v. Assess if the intervention promotes synergies between health equity and action on sustainability (For example: Patrick et al. (2015), Baum and Fisher (2010). 4. The conclusion needs to consolidate your assessment of the health promotion intervention and recommend to the WHO whether the health promotion intervention for your health issue and population group is an appropriate networked response for the 21st century. 20 total views, 2 views today