Draw the pathway that converts ethanol to acetate and, then, to acetylCoA.

if you refer to any of these journal articles in answering any of the Skills test questions you probably should use an appropriate referencing system.
This will include both in-text referencing and a reference section at the end of the work in question.

A common (and recommended) referencing style to use is the Harvard format – this is the format used in the examples below.

For in-text referencing include the author(s) surname followed by a comma and the year of publication in the following formats:

(Jones, 2011) – if a single author
(Little and Large, 2012) – if 2 authors
(Legion et al., 2012) – if 3 or more authors – watch the punctuation!!

For a reference section at the end of a work list the articles in alphabetical order according to first author surname. You will also need to include details of author initials, year of publication, title of paper, journal title, volume number and page numbers.

Example (again pay attention to punctuation):

Aardvark, Q. A., Echidna, B. F. and Pangolin, Z. U. (2012) The nutritional benefits to eating ants. Journal of Insectivores 333, 21-45.

Abbott, A.J., Rudd, K.M. and Gillard, J. E. (2013) The Australian political landscape: apocalypse now. Political Irrelevancies 90, 623-685.


Ethanol can be a significant source of energy for people who consume large quantities ofalcoholic beverages.

NOTE: Reference material (journal articles) on the subject of Alcohol Metabolism is provided in the Bb Learning Resources section to help you answer Question3.

Complete the table below showing the energy density of carbohydrates, ethanol, fat and proteins ina rank order of highest to lowest
Show energy density of the nutrients as kJ/g and kcal/g (caloric value ) in rankorder

Nutrient (in rankorder)

kJ/g kcal/g


The pathway of ethanol metabolism converts ethanol to acetate, which can then be used togenerate acetyl CoA and enter into the tricarboxylic acid cycle or be utilised for fatty acidsynthesis.

Draw the pathway that converts ethanol to acetate and, then, to acetylCoA.
Show each step in the pathway, include all the names of theintermediates
Include the names of the enzymes responsible for eachstep
Include details of coenzymes/cosubstrates that may be used in thesereactions.
Note the cellular localisation of the steps in thepathway.

Name two (2) additional enzymes or enzyme systems that can convert ethanol toacetaldehyde.


Ethylene glycol (EG) is a well-characterised metabolic poison that causes considerable harm to humans and animals and can lead to fatalities. EG interferes with mammalian alcoholmetabolism.

Briefly describe how alcohol dehydrogenase participates in EG toxicity, include the names of the toxic products that are formed and, generally, how the accumulation of these toxic products can lead to life-threateningsituations.
Including a diagram/figure could behelpful.

Imagine you are medical professional working in the Accident & Emergency department in a major hospital. Briefly describe the treatment options and how you would treat a patient that presents with EGpoisoning?

EG acts as an enzyme inhibitor; that is a molecule that binds to an enzyme (in this case ADH) and affects its normal mechanism of action and its normal activity. Which type of reversible enzyme inhibition is utilized in the effective treatment of EGpoisoning?