Do articles in your field of interest commonly fall into this category? Why or why not?

Do articles in your field of interest commonly fall into this category? Why or why not? Please ensure that your sources are peer-reviewed
For your proposed dissertation study, General Education Teachers and the Influence of Tay-Sachs Disease on the Academic Performance and Temperament and Emotions of Childrens Performance and Achievement. select a peer-reviewed journal article that was done with a quantitative methodology. Cite the article and summarize the study in one paragraph. Then categorize it according to each of the following dimensions: Experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental Descriptive, predictive, or explanatory Retrospective, cross-sectional, or longitudinal Why did you categorize the article as you did? Do articles in your field of interest commonly fall into this category? Why or why not? Please ensure that your sources are peer-reviewed