Assessment Guidelines
This assignment contributes 100% to module mark. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to discuss and evaluate any specific treatment or management strategy for autism or a related condition.
The aim of the extended essay should focus:
1. Provide a brief overview of the various treatment options for the management of autism or a related condition.
2. To critically evaluate the strength of evidence for a specific treatment or management strategy (choose from clinical, social or educational based options.
3. To discuss how the evidence for your chosen treatment of management approach supports their continued use or not.
Before you make a final decision on the topic and purpose of the assignment you should carry out a preliminary literature search to ensure you can get access to a substantial body of literature.
You are encouraged to discuss your essay topic with the teaching staff prior to commencing your assignment.
Structure of the Essay
Below is the suggested structure to be used in writing your review; you may use a different structure but you must ensure that you have included all aspects.
This most indicate the general area covered by the essay.
This section must introduce the background context to the essay by providing statements
that highlight the importance of your essay. It is not necessary to include any descriptions of what autism is or its diagnostic and assessment procedures. Focus the introduction on the describing the various approaches that could be used to treat or manage autism or a related condition.
There must be a statement that details exactly the primary focus of the essay (e.g. To critically evaluate the use of Individual Education Plans to support the learning of children with Autism)..
Evaluation of the evidence
This section of the essay is the critical evaluation of the evidence for a specific autism treatment or management strategy. You are not required (but you may wish to do so) to complete a full critical appraisal of the evidence using a critical appraisal framework or checklist, but you are encouraged to use a critical framework to assist with your reading and the formulation of your evidential debate. It is recommended that you convey additional information via tables or figures. Please ensure that you provide supporting evidence (i.e. references) to explain any critical point that relates to the strength or quality of a research design or methodology. This should be the main body of your text.
Summary and Conclusion
This section should contain a summary of your main essay points and your main conclusion generated from your exploration of the evidence (i.e. what is the main message or lesson that can be learnt from your essay).
Use the APA style of referencing both within the text and in the reference list at the end of the review. Please refer to the College’s Postgraduate Taught Masters Handbook available from the PGTM Infopoint section on Blackboard.
*** The essay should be no more than 4000 words in length. ***
– i need to be in touch with writer to discuss the plan.
– my topic will be about to critically evaluate the use of self management strategy to support the learning of children with Autism.
– should include a critical evaluation of the evidence.
– discuss and evaluate any specific treatment or management strategy for autism or a related condition.
– the goal is to Discuss and evaluate the use of self management strategy for autism.
please follow the AMIS of essay as it showed in the instructions above .
– Please ensure that you provide supporting evidence (i.e. references) to explain any critical point that
relates to the strength or quality of a research design or methodology. This should be the main body

As the suggested plan, under the section of discution and evaluation please make diffrent sections about the critically evaluate and discuss the effectiveness/ outcomes of the use of self management straties for the autistic children
Also please follow the exact aims of the suggested plan
as it mentioned in the suggested aims:
The aim of the extended essay should focus:
1. Provide a brief overview of the various treatment options for the management of autism or a related condition.
2. To critically evaluate the strength of evidence for a specific treatment or management strategy (choose from clinical, social or educational based options.
3. To discuss how the evidence for your chosen treatment of management approach supports their continued use or not.