Demented patient leaving in nursing home setting Write a clear statement of the problem of agitation in the demented patient leaving in nursing home setting. Write the epidemiology of the problem, include population and associated safety risks. Write the significance of the problem. Describe the role of nurse leader to enhance clinical outcomes according to evidence based practice. Use evidence based practice intervention to decrease agitation in the demented patients including strategies used. Write a concise description of interventions and a concise description of the results. List barriers and strategies used to overcome them. State any anticipated or actual outcome of the project to educate staff about agitation. Explain all potential or actual unintended outcomes of the project. Include the Deming’s Theory PDSA Method and Knowles theorical framework of adult learning to educate the staff and to measure outcome. State all Implications for policy and recommendation discuss Physical education is key to improving a child’s confidence, brainpower and long-term health