Describe the importance of this concept and research topic to nursing practice.

Describe the importance of this concept and research topic to nursing practice.

Nurses have utilized simulation since the 1970’s (Jeffries, 2014). In addition, simulation is a borrowed term since many other disciplines also utilize simulation. A very public example of the simulation in action was related to the event in which the pilot landed a plan on the Hudson River and credited simulation training for his success. Before studying the impact of simulation on a student nurse’s performance, it is imperative to define the concept of simulation as a teaching strategy. Simulation use has grown quickly in nursing education, but as in all endeavors, it is imperative to research its impact on student learning (Shepherd, 2010).
Great work! The concept that you have identified and decided to research on; “bridging the gap” between simulation and clinical practice for nursing students as a practice problem, is an interesting nursing problem. I found it interesting that you are doing this to bridge a gap not only in the field of nursing but also at your work place. This is an important nursing problem as we will be able to not only gain more knowledge on simulation but we will also be able to learn what works and what does not work and strategies to make simulation of pre-licensure students more effective can be put in place.

I liked the way you did your concept analysis. You hit the nail right on the head by analyzing your concept and did not opt to define every step simultaneously with your concept analysis. I found your concept interesting and would love to read more of your work on simulation or simulation as a teaching tool in future……………………………………