. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the determinants of health, and demonstrate an understanding of their relevance to health and well-being

One of key public health issue that affects an individual/family/population in your area of practice. Explore and discuss the determinants of the health issue and analyse inequalities and policies that impact on the public health issue. (OBESITY) One of key public health issue that affects an individual/family/population in your area of practice. Explore and discuss the determinants of the health issue and analyse inequalities and policies that impact on the public health issue. Identify and discuss the role of the nurse (a) assessing the public health needs, and (b) promoting the health and wellbeing of individuals/families/populations. 1. Demonstrate detailed knowledge and understanding of the determinants of health, and demonstrate an understanding of their relevance to health and well-being. 2. Analyse and evaluate the impact of inequalities of health on individuals and populations using current epidemiological data and public health research. 3. Demonstrate an understanding and synthesize the impact of policies on public health and healthcare access, and the structure, organization and delivery of healthcare relevant to the service users in the chosen field. 4. Develop knowledge to systematically assess the health needs of individuals, families and populations taking account of relevant epidemiological and research evidence. 5. Explore the role of the nurse in the promotion of health with individuals, families and populations. ? Identify the public health issue related to your field of practice (give a rationale – why is this relevant to your field of nursing?) The choice of public health issue is wide ? you can choose something which is topical e.g. obesity, exercise, alcohol, smoking, substance use and misuse, sexual health, mental wellbeing, breastfeeding, childhood immunisation. Alternatively you may want to focus on a specific disease/condition such as CHD, HIV, and Dementia ? if you choose this option do not fall into the trap of writing a biomedical essay ? again you must focus on why is this a public health issue and what are the risk factors for individuals. ? Discuss the chosen Public Health issue – to include; o Exploration of the size of the health problem -who is most affected and why? Discuss trends. Use appropriate epidemiological language; incidences, prevalence, epidemic etc. Examine the impact of the health issue on the population ? consider mortality, morbidity and quality of life. o In the context of the determinants of health – think about how your chosen public health issue is influenced by the key determinants of health. Do inequalities have an impact on your chosen health issue? What are these? o Identify any relevant health policies which have been introduced to tackle your chosen health issue – what impact have they had? ? Role of the nurse – what is the role of the nurse in identifying the health needs of individuals/families or communities with your identified public health issue? What health promotion approaches may the nurse use when working to address your chosen health issue – give rationale for your choices (refer back to your year one module Promoting Individual Health to help inform your discussion). Are these primary, secondary or tertiary health promotion approaches? References: 5. DH (2010) Public Health, healthy people. London: DH 6. DH [2010] Healthy lives, healthy people. London: DH 7. DH [2009]. Health Action Planning and Health Facilitation for people with learning disabilities: good practice guidance. London: DH. 8. DH [2008] The child health promotion programme. London: DH. 9. Ewles L (ed.) [2005] Key topics in public health: Essential briefings on prevention and health promotion. London: Churchill Livingstone. 5. Moyse K [ed] [2009]. Promoting Health in Children and Young People ? The role of the nurse. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. 6. Merrill,R (2010): Introduction to Epidemiology. 5th. Ed. London: Jones & Bartlett. 7. Naidoo, J and Wills, J [eds] (2010) Developing Practice for Public Health and Health Promotion. 3rd. Ed. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall. 1. Acheson, D (1998) Independent Inquiry Into Inequalities in Health Report. London:The Stationery Office. 2. Linsley P et al (eds) (2011) Nursing for Public Health ? Promotion, principles and practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3. DH (2010) Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS. London:HMSO 4. Wilkinson R. and Picket K. (2009) The Spirit Level: Why more equal societies almost always do better. London: Penguin PT