Conduct phone calls, interviews, and Internet research to evaluate the how the bills will affect health care.

Conduct phone calls, interviews, and Internet research to evaluate the how the bills will affect health care.

Clinical Educational Experience: Nursing and Health Care Legislation Review
Review current legislation with implications for community and public health nursing.

Conduct phone calls, interviews, and Internet research to evaluate the how the bills will affect health care. Determine how the bills would affect the following:
• Any community partnerships, coalitions, or planning groups
• The health needs of vulnerable populations within the community
• The health needs of your participating family
• The RN’s ability to provide care

Compile your Nursing and Health Care Legislation Review data in a table with no less than 400 words.

Part 2

Letter to Congress

Write a letter of a minimum of 700 words to your Florida congressional representative that addresses the following:
• Identify one current health care bill and discuss how it could change direct service delivery in the community and public health care setting.
• Summarize the pros and cons of the bill as written and the impact it will have on patient care and health coverage.
• Ask your representative to either support or oppose the bill. Support your request with examples.

Format your letter consistent with APA guidelines for formal letter writing.
Submit the Nursing and Health Care Legislation Review data (Part 1) with your letter.

7 points possible Points available Points earned
• Identifies one health care reform policy 1
• Presents the pros and cons of the bill 2
• Summarizes the impact the bill will have on patient care and health coverage 2
• Presents a clear request to the congressman or congresswoman to either support or oppose the bill. 1
• Presents rationale to support the request. 1